From Design and Technology …
Last week’s challenge for Year 7 and 8 was organised by the Design and Technology Department, with the theme being Design and Technology Bingo! We wanted to create a challenge that would be fun and exciting, and encompasses the different Design and Technology specialisms. Please see the grid below to see what the students had to do. We are incredibly proud of the work that the Year 7 and 8 students produced, and we are sure you will agree with us that it looks like they had great fun! As a department we have been overwhelmed by the full participation from the Year 7 and 8s, with many commenting how much they enjoyed completing the tasks. Many have been rewarded with Reward Points for excellent effort and outcomes. Perhaps families might enjoy attempting the Bingo Challenge as something to do over the summer together – have fun!Years 7 and 8 Project Week
Year 7
Year 8