Welcome to Year 11
Dear Parents/Carers,
I would like to welcome you and your daughter to Year 11 at Presdales. The Year 11 team of Form Tutors and I are very much looking forward to working with and supporting all of Year 11 this year to ensure they can fulfill their potentials and get the most out of their time with us. Please support us in doing so by encouraging your child to establish a good routine for revision, allowing time for extra-curricular activities and rest, as we build towards their final GCSE examinations.
Below is a reminder of the Year 11 Form Tutors and their contact details:
11DT Nightingale – Ms A Driscoll (Wed, Thurs, Fri) – adriscoll@presdales.herts.sch.uk & Mrs S Thompson (Mon, Tues) – sthompson@presdales.herts.sch.uk
11FG Pankhurst – Mrs F Gregory – fgregory@presdales.herts.sch.uk
11GW Curie – Ms G Weller – gweller@presdales.herts.sch.uk
11HT Parks – Mrs T Hayhurst – thayhurst@presdales.herts.sch.uk
11JB Frank – Mr J Baldwin – jbaldwin@presdales.herts.sch.uk
11NP Windsor – Mrs J Nicholls (Mon, Thurs, Fri) – jnicholls@presdales.herts.sch.uk & Mrs A Page (Tues, Wed, Fri) – apage@presdales.herts.sch.uk
Year 11 students will be supported every step of the way by the Year 11 Pastoral Team, Form Tutors, and their subject teachers. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns relating to your daughter’s school life.
It is my pleasure to be the Head of Year for such a promising group of young people. I look forward to supporting your child throughout this year and celebrating their successes at the end of it.
Miss A Haywood
Head of Year 11
Tel: 01920 462210 Extn: 267 Email: ahaywood@presdales.herts.sch.uk