Welcome to Year 10
Dear Parents/Carers,
I would like to welcome you and your daughter to Year 10 at Presdales. The Year 10 team of Form Tutors and I are very much looking forward to working with and supporting all of Year 10 this year to ensure they can fulfill their potential and get the most out of their time with us as they begin their new adventures into KS4.
Below is a reminder of the Year 10 Form Tutors and their contact details:
10ER Parks – Mrs L Evenden (Mon, Tues, Fri) – levenden@presdales.herts.sch.uk & Ms S Rowe (Wed, Thurs, Fri) – srowe@presdales.herts.sch.uk
10EW Curie – Mrs E Willett (Wed, Thurs, Fri) – ewillett@presdales.herts.sch.uk & Ms L Hardiman (Mon, Tues, Fri) – lhardiman@presdales.herts.sch.uk
10LH Windsor – Mrs L Hyslop (Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs) – lhyslop@presdales.herts.sch.uk & Mrs M Yates (Fri) – myates@presdales.herts.sch.uk
10SL Frank – Mrs S Lanka – slanka@presdales.herts.sch.uk
10SW Pankhurst – Mrs R Severino (Wed, Thurs, Fri) – rseverino@presdales.herts.sch.uk & Mrs K Warner (Mon, Tues) – kwarner@presdales.herts.sch.uk
10VW Nightingale – Miss V Workman – vworkman@presdales.herts.sch.uk
Year 10 is a very important year for students as they start their GCSE courses. It sees students joining new classes with new teachers, developing new and different friendships, and inevitably learning to manage an increased workload. We hope that our students are excited about studying the subjects they have chosen to take forward from Year 9 alongside their core subjects and are ready to show enthusiasm and dedication to their studies.
We are also looking forward to seeing our students have the opportunity once again to engage with the numerous extra-curricular activities that Presdales offers and learning to balance these alongside their studies. A number of the year group have already signed up to take part in the Duke of Edinburgh Silver! As a year group, our focus is INTEGRITY. We will be exploring the meaning to this through assemblies and form group activities to see how this can enhance our efforts and contribution to the school and wider communities.
Year 10 students will be supported every step of the way by the Year 10 Pastoral Team, Form Tutors and their subject teachers. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns relating to your daughter’s school life.
Mrs Bowden
Head of Year 10
Tel: 01920 462210 Extn: 271 Email: lbowden@presdales.herts.sch.uk