If we are notified that a student has an illness or medical condition, Parents/Carers will be asked to complete an Individual Healthcare Plan and Risk Assessment (IHCP). Medicines should only be held in school if they need to be taken during the school day or are needed in the event of an emergency. Medicines cannot be held or administered to students without written parental consent. Dosage details will need to be annotated; this is covered by page 4 of the IHCP. All medication administered by a First Aider at school will be logged. Students will not generally be permitted to carry medicines in school unless the school has been made aware of specific medical conditions which require the student to always carry medication with them. Medication for students who have a life-threatening or long-term condition is kept securely in the First Aid Office. This medication is kept in a clearly marked container and includes a copy of the IHCP. Students with asthma are required to always carry their reliever inhaler with them. We will additionally request that a spare inhaler is kept in the First Aid Office for use where their personal supply is not available or has run out. It is the responsibility of parents/carers to ensure that any medication provided is in-date, in the original packaging with a prescription label clearly showing the students name where possible and that the IHCP is kept up to date. The Principal First Aider will request annual reviews of IHCPs to ensure that the information provided is still valid. Following amendment to the Human Medicines Regulations 2012 to permit schools to hold spare Adrenaline Auto-Injectors (AAIs), the Department of Health has issued non-statutory guidance to support schools in their management of AAIs. Presdales School now holds Jext brand AAI’s for the use on students diagnosed with an allergy for whom a prescribed AAI is not readily available in the event of an emergency. Parents/carers will be asked to complete an AAI consent form for any student with an allergy that could potentially lead to anaphylaxis, whether or not they have been prescribed an AAI; AAIs will only be administered to students for whom written parental consent for the use of the emergency AAI has been given. Any students with prescribed AAIs are required to always carry two in-date AAIs with them.Medical
If a student feels unwell they will need to visit the Principal First Aider in the first instance. Students will be assessed in line with the school First Aid, Health & Safety and Behaviour Policies. The school encourages students to stay in school where possible; parent/carers will be called if the First Aider feels that they need to go home or wishes to discuss an on-going condition/incident. Students may not go home unless this is arranged by the First Aider/Reception, their Head of Year or a member of the Senior Leadership Team.
Health Issues/Medication
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Coming Up
w/c Monday 9th
HOUSE : Cross Country
Tuesday 17th
DofE Silver (Year 10, 11 + 12) Information Evening, 5pm
Year 10 Parent/Carer Information Evening, 6pm
Year 11 Parent/Carer Information Evening, 7.15pm
Contact Us
Presdales School
Hoe Lane
SG12 9NX
Tel: 01920 462210
Mr Warren