Remote Learning 2024-2025
From March 2022, non-statutory guidance around remote teaching was issued by the government as part of its wider strategy for return to normal working following the pandemic. Further non-statutory guidance was issued in January 2023. Following this, Presdales schools’ position for remote learning is now that on the rare occasions where remote learning will be necessary (such as due to the unforeseen closure of the school), teachers are ready to provide lessons online. In this situation, all lessons will be taught via Google Meet (with the exception of core KS3 and KS4 PE lessons), and all work and resources will be set on Google Classroom. Attendance will be closely monitored by classroom teachers and absence followed up by Heads of Year. Devices will be provided to any student who needs one and technical difficulties will be monitored and dealt with in a timely manner. Training issues for teachers and students will be supported via the use of ‘how to’ videos on the Google drive (for teachers) and on the school website (for students).
In the case of long term absence for medical reasons including those relating to Covid-19, the school will provide work on Google classroom for individual students to access from home on a case-by-case basis. The school will not provide access to live lessons via Google Meet for these students.
How to guides …
Here are some useful video guides to walk you through remote learning.
How to use Google Classroom
How to upload from Google Drive to Google Classroom
How to create a presentation in Google Slides
How to summarise and edit a Google document
How to populate cells in Google Sheets
How to create a Google Sheet in Google Classroom
How to make tables in Google Sheets
How to change your background in Google Meet