The Design & Technology Department

As a Design and Technology department we are most proud of the breath of curriculum and the connectedness that we offer the students at Presdales School. We are passionate about our subject in every way, and believe that in order for our students to get the best offer of our subject we must stay up to date with the changes in technology and ensure we are cohesive across the disciplines.

…a distinct creative process that combines intellectual and practical skills through purposeful practical activities…it involves a series of identifiable activities including:
investigating a need or design opportunity
developing design proposals, and modifying them in light of evaluation
planning for implementation of design solution
evaluating the effectiveness of the process they are engaged in and the product they have made.

Design and Technology Association (DATA) 1995

Our Vision

To provide an engaging curriculum that stimulates creativity and curiosity; enabling all students to see the applications of a variety of technologies and to deliver the subject in the manner of the school motto ‘Achievement for All’. Students will explore initial ideas/concepts and develop solutions to a range of different situations. As a department we encourage students to work both collaboratively and independently to produce innovative outcomes. We want all students to use their developing knowledge and skills to form schemas cross-curricular and to add to their cultural capital later in life.

Our Aim

The aim of the Key Stage 3 Design and Technology curriculum is to build on the previous knowledge and experience students have gained at their primary school and/or at home, and to prepare young people to cope in a rapidly changing technological world. Our main starting point is the Key Stage 3 National Curriculum.

  • Develop the creative, technical and practical expertise needed to perform everyday tasks confidently and to participate successfully in an increasingly technological world
  • Build and apply a repertoire of knowledge, understanding and skills in order to design and make high-quality prototypes and products for a wide range of users
  • Critique, evaluate and test their ideas and products and the work of others
  • Understanding and apply the principles of nutrition and learn how to cook

National Curriculum (Design and Technology), 2013

Design and Technology is an inspiring, rigorous and practical subject. Using creativity and imagination, students design and make products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts, considering their own and others’ needs, wants and values. They acquire a broad range of subject knowledge and draw on disciplines such as mathematics, science, engineering, computing, art and geography. Students learn how to take risks, becoming resourceful, innovative, enterprising and capable citizens. Through the evaluation of past and present design and technology, they develop a critical understanding of its impact on daily life and the wider world. High-quality design and technology education makes an essential contribution to the creativity, culture, wealth and well-being of the nation. Students will also learn how to overcome a variety of issues in technology with a particular emphasis on sustainable design solutions.

We believe that a good, innovative and exciting Key Stage 3 programme has led to an increased level of students progressing to Design and Technology and Food Preparation and Nutrition at Key Stage 4, and more recently Product Design and Fashion & Textiles at Key Stage 5. Part of the success of the development of Design and Technology as a subject over the last three years has been due to building the profile of the subject and the stability of subject specialist teachers. Some of the examples of how we stay up to date and abreast of the subject are;

  • Promoting the subject: PressTales Newsletter, Department Twitter account, Open Evenings (including Options evenings for Key Stage 4&5)
  • Collaborating with subject colleagues: Social Media subject discussion forums, collaborating with local schools (Richard Hale, Simon Balle, Robert Barclay Academy, Scholars’ Education Trust), through our subject Twitter account
  • Continued Professional Development: Exam Board training courses, subject specific training courses, being members of Chartered College of Teachers (and reading Impact the journal produced by the CCT), taking part in CPD within school, following various Design and Technology Department Twitter accounts, reading around the subject and watching documentaries
  • Enrichment: Trips and Visits (across different disciplines), annual Design and Technology Career Day, co-ordinating Work Experience opportunities, extra-curricular activities such as House Competitions and Catch up Clubs

Year 7

In Year 7, the focus is on understanding a range of materials, for example, electronic components, food, graphic media, wood, metal, plastic and textiles and the emphasis of their designing is to design and make artefacts, or systems, for themselves.

Students are taught the necessary skills and techniques to equip them to make high quality products. Health and Safety is taught as an integral part of the curriculum to ensure individuals take a collective responsibility for maintaining a safe and organised working environment.

ICT is integrated in the curriculum we teach and it is expected that your daughter will make use of the facilities at school or at home, to enhance the work they do in the classroom.

Year 8

The aim of the Year 8 curriculum is to build on the knowledge, skills and understanding acquired in Year 7. Students continue to explore materials (electronic components, food, graphic media, wood, metal, plastic and textiles) and the emphasis of their designing is to design and make artefacts, and or systems, for clients.

During Year 8 students will be set challenging projects that will develop every student’s designing and practical capability and provide an opportunity for them to demonstrate their competence by making complex high quality practical outcomes. They will be asked to investigate how products are produced in batches for a specific market and consider the world of professional designers.

ICT is integrated in the curriculum we teach and it is expected that you daughter will make use of the facilities at school or at home to enhance the work they do in the classroom.

Year 9

Year 9 is split into two short projects and one extended project. The aim of Year 9 is to consolidate and enhance their previous design and make skills by facilitating an extended project, the focus of which is to independently select materials (electronic components, food, graphic media, wood, metal, plastic and textiles) and design an artefact or system that is designed to meet the needs of a commercial market.

ICT is an integral part of the curriculum we teach and it is expected that your daughter will make use of the facilities at school and at home to enhance the work they do in the classroom.