Headteacher: Matthew Warren
Presdales School
Hoe Lane
SG12 9NX
Telephone Reception/School Office: 01920 462210
School Absence Line: 01920 462210 Option 1
Email Reception: admin@presdales.herts.sch.uk
School Absence email: attendance@presdales.herts.sch.uk
To contact the Trustees, please email: governors@presdales.herts.sch.uk
To contact our SENCo, Mrs Hussey, please email: SENDsupport@presdales.herts.sch.uk
To contact the Presdales School Association, please email: pa@presdales.herts.sch.uk
You can request paper copies (free of charge) of any page or document on this website. To request paper copies, please either email or call the school.
Company Registration Number: 07990029
Place of registration: Issued by the Registrar of Companies for England & Wales.
Registered Office Address: Presdales School, Hoe Lane, Ware, Hertfordshire, SG12 9NX.