Year 9 visit to MBDA – 14th June
We enjoyed the trip as it showed us different ways we could go with a career in STEM. Different people talked and showed us multiple ways people could go with a stem career, with or without university. It was also fun because we did multiple challenges against multiple schools.
Scarlett and Amelie (Year 9)
Big Bang Fair – 19th June
Almost 50 Year 8 students attended this years Big Bang Fair at the NEC.
Science Made Simple (Year 7 to Year 10) – 4th July
I found the ‘science made simple’ presentation very interesting. We were shown lots of exciting experiments that famous STEM people have performed to help them make their discoveries. In one of the experiments, we wore glasses that showed us the different colours that came from the different lights. I enjoyed it because it gave me a different perspective on the colours we see around us and that lights are not just the colour they seem. From the presentation I learned that when we send someone to Mars we won’t be able to bring them back because we wouldn’t be able to store enough fuel in the rocket. I became interested in the topic because it made me think about the different ways we could make fuel last longer or how to make fuel on Mars. I also learned that Cecilia Payne discovered that Hydrogen and Helium are the dominant elements of the Sun and stars. Her boss didn’t believe her at first until lots of other people repeated the experiment and agreed that she was correct. Overall, I found ‘science made simple’ very fun. Especially as they included us in their presentation. They also related the work of previous STEM people to modern day jobs that you can study for if you are interested in those particular discoveries.
Grace (Year 9)
Ogden Science Day (Year 4) – 9th July
Year 4 students from Wheatcroft, Abel Smith and Mill Mead Primary Schools visited Presdales to take part in a series of Physics based activities including making marble runs and balloon cars. Part of their time at Presdales was spent with Cambridge Hands on Science, a group of Cambridge students running tasks to engage students in different aspects of science.
Year 7 STEM Army days – 17th/ 18th July