Quality in Careers Standard – Investor in Careers
Since March 2017, there has been a new and simpler model of quality assurance for careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) in England, which is called the Quality in Careers Standard (QiCS).
Since September 2018 the Quality in Careers Standard has been revised to fully incorporate the Gatsby Foundation’s Benchmarks of “Good Career Guidance”.
The latest statutory guidance states that ‘the Standard offers an opportunity for schools to undergo an external evaluation of their careers programme’ and the Government ‘strongly recommends that all schools work towards the updated Quality in Careers Standard to support the development of their careers programme.’
This means that any school achieving the QiCS will have Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance which meets an excellent, nationally-recognised standard.
As a school, we are now progressing through the standards in order to achieve QiCs by September 2020.
This might involve external input from local businesses, alumni and parents, and so I might be contacting you during the year for some support in this award.
For more information about our careers programme please click here.
Julie Stephenson Careers Lead