La Galette
La Fête des Rois.
On Monday 6th January, the day of Epiphany, more KS3 classes than ever before found out about the tradition of “la galette des rois” during their French lessons. As many of our students now know, “la galette des rois” is enjoyed by French people on the day of Epiphany and a “fève” (a sort of charm/coin) is hidden in it. Whoever gets the slice with the “fève” is crowned King or Queen for the day. The recipe was shared and many Year 7 students have been busy this week creating crowns and making the galette at home.
Here are a few photos of the galette and the beautifully creative crowns. We were particularly impressed with the efforts of Nefeli in 7Z who made the Greek version of the Galette for the whole class, as well as an amazing PowerPoint which explained the tradition and the recipe. I definitely declare Nefeli the “Queen” of this year’s “fête des rois”!
Christel Ainge