GCSE Results
Presdales School is very proud of the 2017 cohort. The last two years have seen this cohort study and be examined in the new English and maths GCSEs. Whilst there have been unknowns about the exams and grade boundaries throughout the course, the students have successfully completed these two new GCSEs to a very high standard.
90% of our students achieved a 4+ in English, compared to the national average of 70%, with 80% achieving a 5+, compared to 53% nationally. We are equally proud of our students’ achievements in maths, where 87% of students achieved a 4+ and 63% a 5+, compared to 71% and 50% nationally.
Overall, 85% of students achieved a 4+ in both English and maths and 34% of all grades were at A/7+.
Whilst we offer a wide and varied curriculum for our students, many will follow subjects that are in the EBacc. We are very pleased that 67% of students achieved a C/4+ in all of their EBacc subjects.
The students in this year group worked incredibly hard to achieve the grades they did and they now have the opportunity to continue their studies in the sixth form or at college. We would also like to thank the staff and parents who worked tirelessly to support, challenge and nurture our girls through their exams.
*All national and school % are provisional