From Art and Photography …

Year 8 

Some wonderful Green man illustrations to celebrate from Year 8. Well done all!

Mrs Page

Year 9

Here is a selection from the wonderful Elements mood board work 9A/9N have produced this week. These were created to inspire element based fashion designs.

Well done for all your hard work.

Mrs Francis

Some more Year 9 fashion mood boards based on the elements from Miss Sykes’ class. Excellent work girls.

Year 9 have also been designing insect inspired fashion designs this week. Some wonderful imaginative ideas for the cat walk.

Mrs Page

Well done to Year 9 for these fantastic artist research pages on their chosen Surrealist shoe designers.

Mrs Bird

Wonderful imaginative converse designs with inventive backgrounds. Well done Year 9.

Mrs Page

Year 10D GCSE Art work

Here is a selection from our Fine Art students this week. These are beautiful cake and sweet studies inspired by artist research and original photographs taken by the students. The results are fantastic. Well done to you all.

Mrs Francis

Year 11 Bridging work into Year 12 Fine Art

Here is a sample of this week’s work created by our Year 11 students. Well done to all of you and keep up the great work.

Mrs Francis

Year 12

Personal Investigation