From Year 7 …

Year 7 Loo roll animal competition

Over the last week Year 7 were challenged to make an animal model from a toilet roll tube. Here are some of their creations…

Nefeli Tsamili won the competition! Chloe Tucker, Bethany Botheras, Connie Nichola and Jess Craig were runners up.

Well done to those who took part.

Mrs Fry
Head of Year 7

From Art and Photography …

Year 7

Well done to Year 7 for creating some excellent artist research pages on Fauvism. Your work really made my day.

Miss Sykes

Year 7 had two weeks to draw a view out for their window – using pencil, line, texture and tone. They could look at what was on the window ledge, the curtains etc. Some students added colour in the second week.

Mrs Hayhurst

Year 8

Some imaginative mixed media Green man designs this week. Well done all!

Mrs Page

Year 9


New Year 12

From Politics …

Year 12

Students were asked to design two posters (one summarising the background of the Republican Party and one summarising the background of the Democratic Party) as part of their introduction to a new topic ‘Political Parties in the USA’.

Posters from Connie Marshall, Emilia Mackenzie, Katy Higham, Molly Reid and Megan Sleath. Please swipe the image if you are using a mobile device.

Democratic Party

Republican Party

From French …

Year 12 French Speaking Festivals cont …

Further to last weeks Celebrating Work, two more presentations are below. They include a slide in English providing information about the festivals to non-French speakers, followed by a slide in French (please swipe if you are using a mobile device).

You will also be able to hear our students’ presentations by clicking on the speaker icon.

From Maths …

Year 10

Work from Frankie Horncastle who has been working so hard and attends every live lesson.

From History …

Year 7

Year 7 have produced some work on the Industrial Revolution.

Maeve Price

Year 9

Year 9 produced work on the medical developments of the 20th Century.

Olivia Baldwin

Frankie Jones

Year 12

Here are two examples of really strong essays written by Mrs Inwood’s Year 12 class last week. They show a strong line of argument and analysis. The introduction and first paragraphs are below.

Elizabeth Attfield

From Food Technology …

Years 7 & 8

Year 7 have been busy making savoury rice dishes and Year 8 have been making macaroni cheese.

Finally …

Whilst homeschooling our students continue to enjoy cooking and baking for themselves and their families.

From Design and Technology …

Year 7

Matilda Copeman
Superb design ideas for the photoholder project.

Alexia Mills
Excellent design ideas created using a software programme called PROCreate, that Alexia uses at home to draw other things.

Year 8

Lovely design idea for an eco-speaker by Yasmin Lum. Really original and would look great in any room!

Year 9

Jessica Scott
Superb research on the printing process, using lithography printing technique. Well done!

AJ Lush
Excellent product analysis on Special Occasion stationery. Really detailed and well written.

Year 10

Great notes about Systems and Control and Technical Textiles by Lily Murray. Excellent use of highlighting to show knowledge of technical vocabulary too!

From Product Design …

Year 11 Bridging Work

Matilda Moore
Excellent research into the different types of materials, and consideration of their properties and where the materials have been used in manufacture.

Keira Macrae
Fantastic notes to begin to bridge the gap between GCSE and A-level. Really detailed and neat-well done!

Anthe Beston
Superb information about materials and their properties. The lay out makes it easy to understand and the keywords have been highlighted!

From Textiles …

Year 7

Year 7 fibres and fabrics work

Year 8

Year 8 ideas for a printed bag based on the 1960s

From RE …

Year 7

This week in RE the Year 7s have been learning about Diwali, the Hindu festival of light. Many Hindus create ‘Rangoli’ from coloured sands or pastes, and put them on the floor to welcome in Lakshmi, goddess of wealth and purity. The Year 7s have been designing their own Rangoli, and here are a few examples. Lovely work, girls – they would brighten up a doormat!

Some really good work from Charlotte Mayers in Year 7 and her own storyboard on Rama and Sita. Extremely detailed and above and beyond the work set.

From Chemistry …

Year 10

The first image is Mariko Eglin’s summary of the chemical tests she is learning about in GCSE Chemistry – scientifically explained and beautifully presented!

The second is a grid full of beautifully drawn and scientifically labelled separation techniques done by Maiya Allchin.  The attached document is also about separation techniques, done by Maisie Pryke.