From French …

Year 7

Before the half-term break, Year 7 worked very hard in French. Here are some of the posters they created explaining their opinions of a selection of their school subjects.

Year 11 Bridging work into Year 12 French

You might think that, with the GCSE examinations cancelled, our Year 11 have been taking the easy option. Well, take a look at the work they have been producing in French. For the last 5 weeks, Year 11 have started working on some A Level transition work, reading an extract of a famous French novel, revising grammar, listening to podcasts and delving into French culture. Below are some examples of the very informative research they have undertaken. You can even click on links in some of them to discover some very trendy French music. Enjoy,

C Ainge

From Italian …

Year 7

As a final Italian task for the first part of the summer term, Year 7 were asked to create a Revision Poster summarising some of the main grammar points and vocabulary from the year. There were some incredibly inventive creations and here are four of the best from Bella Gray, Hattie Pryke, Martha Ker and Abbie Oldham.

From German …

Year 8

Year 8 German have been working on the topic of Holidays. They have looked at holiday destinations in Germany Austria and Switzerland. As we all know, not every holiday goes to plan! Our students had to imagine the worst kind of accommodation and write a review in German!

Year 9

Year 9 German classes have been looking at why sustainable fashion is important. It is becoming more and more popular in Germany. There are a number of German sustainable fashion brands which the students had to research and write about in German or English!

From Business Studies …

Year 10

Here are great, balanced answers to a question about employment law in the UK.

Question : Some businesses say that UK employment laws make it hard for them to compete with businesses in other countries such as China or India where employment laws are not so strict. Do you think they have a valid point? Justify your answer. (9 marks)

Student Answer No. 1

I think these businesses do have a valid point as having lots of employment laws and things like the minimum wage makes it hard to compete with manufacturers in places such as China or India where they can pay their staff very little to do the same job. Because these Asian countries don’t have the same employment laws, they can exploit their workers and pay them pennies an hour to do the work British people would be paid a lot more to do. Therefore it’s hard for these British workers to compete with them as the cost of manufacturing in china is a lot cheaper.

However, in more recent times, people have realised the poor conditions workers in places like China and India experience and how young children are exploited at a young age. This can put businesses off taking their work overseas and sticking with a British company who treats their workers a lot more fairly. This means that businesses are more inclined to stay in Britain as they know the workers are being treated fairly-even if it does cost them a bit more.

Overall I think British companies do have a valid point in finding it hard to compete with these countries. Although some businesses may be put off by the working conditions in China and India, most of them still want to make a larger profit and would go overseas. This makes it quite hard for companies in Britain as the laws mean they cannot pay their workers anywhere near the amount they get paid in countries in Asia, and most businesses will go for the cheaper option.

Student Answer No. 2

On one hand, they do have a valid point because in the UK, businesses have a minimum amount
that they must pay their employees which means that if they’re going through a phase of little​
profit, they can’t just lower employees wages to get them through this phase. Although this does​
raise the ethical standard of the business, it may force the business back because they can’t​
afford some things such as advertising. In this case, popularity and attention could decrease,​
possibly leading to a further decrease in profits.​

On the other hand, employment laws in countries such as India and China allow unethical​
behaviour such as sweatshops and extremely little pay. It is well known to the UK public that many​
of our favourite highstreet stores use sweatshops as part of their production process. This turns​
lots of people away from shopping there. A business that uses ethical production processes would​
get more attention and popularity over a business that uses unethical processes, especially with​
the growing human rights activist market.​

In conclusion, I think they do have a valid point because even though ethical businesses are​
popular, their prices are higher than those using unethical processes and many people can’t afford​
to pay for these products. Therefore, UK based businesses would find it harder to compete with​
businesses in other countries because production prices are higher in the UK which would force​
them to price their products / services higher.

From English …

Year 9

The brief was to write a short story using all of last term’s learning about language use, characterisation and structure. Caitlin’s use of narrative voice is particularly effective here, commenting on the emotions and decisions of their own younger self.

From Graphics …

Year 9 Bridging work into Year 10 Graphics

Year 9 students who have opted to study Graphics at GCSE have made an excellent start. Great detail of information, and pleased with the autonomy of lay out. Well done ladies!

Kim Pittaccio (1st photo) – great detail and use of diagrams-good initiative to use to help with information!

Sophie Christer (2nd photo) – great information produced about different materials-well done Sophie!

Sophia Re (3rd photo)- excellent sheet on Paper, Timbers and Metals….some excellent information, lovely layout and great diagrams to support the information.

Thea Galaxy (4th photo) – excellent lay out and great presentation of materials information-well done Thea!

Evie Martin – great mindmaps about different materials-well done Evie!

From Graphics …

Year 10

Leni-Ann Nicholson – fantastic design ideas, excellent annotation and well presented!

Isobel Hargreaves (below left) – Design ideas-super detail of annotation, lovely design ideas and alternative sketches-well done!

Prep for NEA – Lily Murray (below right) – excellent design ideas, and super annotation!