From Art and Photography …

Year 7 Art topic week ‘The Great wave’, Hokusai.

Our Year 7 students have been super busy this week creating 3 tasks based on Hokusai’s Great wave.

Task 1 was to create a double research page discovering The Great wave and its artist. Task 2 was to create a detailed copy of the Great wave. Lastly, Task 3 was to be inspired by the painting and create their own version based on Great British traditions and themes.

Task 1 – Research.

Here are some examples from their Task 1.

Task 2 – Year 7 studies of ‘The Great wave’ by Hokusai.

Here is a sample of work from Task 2. The pupils produced excellent and detailed studies of this famous wood block print.

Task 3 – Hokusai inspired wave pieces connected to a Great British theme.

Here is a sample of the fantastic work that Year 7 have produced this week. Well done to everyone for the amazing effort and hard work you have put into your Art project this week. We are all proud of you.

Mrs Francis

Year 8 Art topic week ‘The Great wave’, Hokusai.

Year 8 have also been working on a Japanese project based on the painting ‘The Big Wave ‘By artist Hokusai. They have researched his work and created some wonderful, imaginative waves based on all things British.

From teapots, fried breakfasts to strawberries and tennis and Harry Potter…..