News from Geography

Year 8 have been studying the tropical rainforest this term. They explored animal adaptation and to extend this, designed their own rainforest bug with its own adaptations. Here are some of the best examples, where a model has been made following on from the design process. Well done Year 8, you’ve shown great creativity.

Mrs Hyslop, Geography Department

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News from Geography …

News from Geography …

Year 8

This half term, Year 8 Geographers have used their knowledge of tropical rainforest conditions and how animals have adapted, to design and make their own rainforest bugs that they think will survive the best. Well done everyone!

News from Geography …

Year 8

Year 8 have been learning about the tropical rainforest and as part of their work on adaptation they were asked to design and make a bug. The students produced some fantastic models, these are some examples from 8NP…

News from Geography

Presdales Tropical Rainforest Bugs