Welcome to Year 8
Dear Parents and Carers
I would like to welcome all students back this academic year. This year, there will be a huge range of opportunities for year 8 to support both their academic and pastoral development, including a range of school trips.
Last year, I was so proud of how well students settled into life at Presdales School, and they have shown themselves to be a conscientious and talented year group. This year, all students will be expected to continue attending at least one extra-curricular group per week and to take part in opportunities that are available for them over the academic year.
As a pastoral team, we continue to commit to working with students to develop a variety of fundamental skills, including personal skills such as resilience and independence as well as embed opportunities to develop moral values, community responsibility and enhanced personal and social skills.
Last year, the year group’s school value focus was ‘kindness’ and students were challenged to demonstrating random acts of kindness within the school community, which they excelled within. This year, our school value focus is ‘creativity’, which students will be exploring further over the academic year.
My team and I are very much looking forward to continuing to support your child on the next step in their school journey.
Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns relating to your child’s school life.
Mrs C Finch
Head of Year 8
Tel: 01920 462210 Ext. 241 Email: cfinch@presdales.herts.sch.uk
Below is the list of the Year 8 Form Tutors and their contact information:
8AD Frank – Ms E Awad (Mon, Tues, Fri) – eawad@presdales.herts.sch.uk and Miss S Durant (Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs) – sdurant@presdales.herts.sch.uk
8AS Pankhurst – Miss A Sargent – asargent@presdales.herts.sch.uk
8DS Windsor – Mr D Soltysik – dsoltysik@presdales.herts.sch.uk
8JC Curie – Mrs J Crane – jcrane@presdales.herts.sch.uk
8ME Parks – Ms M Evans – mevans@presdales.herts.sch.uk
8SM Nightingale – Miss S Martin – smartin@presdales.herts.sch.uk