Vacancies at Presdales
Full details and an application form can be found on the school website.
Inset Day
Monday 12th April is an Inset day, except for those students in Year 11 and 13 who have an assessment on that day.
Presdales supporting ‘Herts Young Homeless’: Non-Uniform Donations
Today, Friday 26th March 2021, is a non-uniform day as we missed the usual non-uniform day prior to February half-term.
Again, 50% of the money raised will go to supporting the School Charity, ‘Herts Young Homeless’, and the other 50% will be spent directly on our students, as determined by our Student Council.
If you haven’t already made your voluntary £2.00 contribution, we would be grateful if donations could be made via WisePay. You will find the listing within the ‘General Products’ section of your WisePay account.
Thank you in advance.
A big congratulations to Nefeli, Isla, and Mia in year 8 for making it into the Semi-Finals of the National Cyber Security Centre’s CyberFirst Girls competition.
They are 1 of 20 teams who have qualified from the hundreds in the South East on England, putting them in the top 8% of entrants.
Although we did not get into the Grand Final, they did a fantastic job finishing in the top 10.
I hope will be able to enter the competition next year with the current year 7.
Mr Bedwell