Vacancies at Presdales
Full details and an application form can be found on the school website.
Presdales supporting ‘Beat UK’: Non-Uniform Donations
Friday 27th May
Again, 50% of the money raised will go to supporting the School Charity, ‘Beat UK’, and the other 50% will be spent directly on our students, as determined by our Student Council.
If you haven’t already made your voluntary £2.00 contribution, we would be grateful if donations could be made via WisePay. You will find the listing within the ‘General Products’ section of your WisePay account.
Thank you in advance.
A Message for Year 13 …
I wanted to wish the Year 13’s the very best of luck with their upcoming exams. I was very proud of them all yesterday, and it was a lovely leavers day. The prom went very well last night and the students enjoyed themselves and were in high spirits throughout. The whole day highlighted just how much the school means to them all. It has been my privilege to be their head of year over the past 2 years (and 6 years for many!). Thank you for all of your continued support from home, and good luck to the students again for the upcoming revision and exams.
Mr Britton