Dance Evening 2021
What a brilliant show after 2 years! As always, we are very fortunate to have such enthusiastic and talented dancers who work extremely hard to get their performances ready on time! The Dance Club Leaders have worked so hard to choreograph such fantastic dances in and around their GCSE and A Level studies. They have been committed to run numerous practices and I am very appreciative of the hard work involved and I know the girls are as well, so well done and huge thank you to Sienna White, Ellie Davies, Seren Miller, Jessica Downing, Ellie Carter, India Elkes and Lydia Botting.
Also, a massive thank you to Miss Fentiman for putting a show-stopping Gymnastics piece together! It is not an easy job but the girls have been dedicating their time before school and at lunchtime on a weekly basis to get their performance ready.
The show doesn’t happen without the people behind the scenes! Thank you to Olivia Evans, Lucy Wells and Anu Njoku who did the sound and lighting for both performances, you all did an amazing job! Thank you to Millie Neave who took the brilliant photos during the dress rehearsal; the Parents Association for the interval refreshments; Maisie Johnson and Molly Barnard for supervising the students backstage and ensuring they got to the stage on time.
This year, Impress Theatre Arts also performed a number from their Dance School which was great to see! The girls all chose brilliant songs to represent this year’s ‘theme’, one of the School Values; Ambition, Equality, Creativity, Integrity, Resilience and Kindness. It was a pleasure to see how your dances represent what Presdales students are. Congratulations to Nefeli Tsamili, Ellie Carter, Paige Hunt, Skye Russo and Kiri Lobb who were shortlisted for their fantastic designs which were printed on the tickets/programme.
Students from all years performed in routines from tap to ballet to an amazing gymnastic display, creating an evening which was entertaining and thought provoking. During the first half Year 8 Dance club looked very stylish in their pink skirts as they danced to ‘Respect’ and Molly Munt performed on an incredibly emotive piece to ‘Bedroom Ceiling’. The Senior dance club put on a well-choreographed contemporary number to ‘Sunrise’ choreographed by Sienna White.
The second half of the evening led off with a fantastic show case of skill, timing and creativity; Gym club, choreographed by Miss Fentiman to ‘Wish you well’. Following this, Kaia Reynolds and Emily Fitzgerald performed a stunning ballet pointe dance to Beethoven’s Secrets. The second half was also full of beautiful solo’s from Seren Miller, Jessica Downing, Holly Coleman and Sienna White. The Year 7 dance club put on an uplifting number to ‘Treat people with kindness’ and Sienna Akore performed a tap masterpiece. The show finished with everyone on stage dancing to ‘I Believe’ and the audience clapping in time and enthusiastically cheering!
Finally, the Dale Dance Trophy Award this year was awarded to Sienna White for her commitment to Dance during her time at Presdales. Sienna has been a dance leader since Year 9 and performed in Dance Evening for many years. She has been a fantastic role model to many younger students and we wish her well at Dance College. Thank you to those who came to watch, I hope you had an enjoyable evening!
Mrs Dann