From Maths …
Year 12 psychology students have begun their studies of Biological Psychology this term and this week we have been looking at the structure and functions of neurons. As a creative challenge, students were asked to make, draw, paint, craft or bake a model neuron and we shared some of these at the start of our Google Meet this week. One student even created a video to show a creative interpretation of synaptic transmission. A brilliant effort all round – well done! (swipe right on the presentation below)From Psychology …
Year 12
From Art …
Year 10 have been learning about ‘Rules of Composition’ while they are learning from home. The students have used their own sweet photography as primary source imagery, which will inform their next piece of work. Some great outcomes, demonstrating your creativity and understanding of the topic. Well done! Miss Sykes and Mrs HarmerYear 10
Year 12 have been busy working on their ‘Elements in nature portfolios’. I think you would agree that the work shows great talent and is full of exciting experimentation and diverse styles. We are proud of you all and look forward to your painting assessments. The Art Department Year 12
Here are some unusual bag introduction sheets from Year 10 Textiles.From Textiles …
Year 10
Year 10 GCSE PE students have been looking at how arousal affects sports performers and the best level of arousal for different sports. Here is some of their brilliant revision cards which they make as they go along the course. Well done to Holly Hart, Jess Downing, Molly Barnard and Maisie Johnson.From PE …
Year 10