Year 12 – Sampling with skittles
Year 12 have been learning about how to plan and conduct their own psychological research. One important aspect of this is how to choose a sample of participants. Students had fun using skittles to practice trying out the different sampling methods and worked out which method was the most representative of their target population.
Psychology Club
Our Sixth Form led Psychology Club has been very popular over the last term and students have been introduced to a range of topics and exciting ideas in psychology. The students particularly enjoyed learning about how their memory works through a range of practical games and activities and being part of a mini replication of the classic ‘Bobo doll’ study by Bandura which investigated how easily children will learn behaviour presented to them by an adult role model.
Psychology Club will be back up and running on Mondays at 1pm in P1 (Years 8-11) in January with a new team of Sixth form psychology prefects. Thank you to Ellie, Charles and Clare for their hard work in planning and running the sessions this term.
Mrs Nicholls