Vacancies at Presdales
Full details and an application form can be found on the school website.
Presdales Dance and Gym Show will take place on
Wednesday 20th and Thursday 21st November
at 7pm in the School Hall
Thee will be an interval with refreshments to purchase from the Parent Association; the show will finish at approximately 8:45pm. Tickets are now available to purchase on Wisepay for £5 each.
Please make sure you select the evening that you would like to attend first and then indicate how many tickets.
Tickets will have an allocated seat number and can be collected from the PE office by your child the week of the show (w/c 18th November) or on the night.
There will be no tickets available to purchase on the door so please order your tickets by Friday 15th November.
We look forward to seeing you and hope you enjoy the show! The students have worked so hard on their dance club and auditioned pieces – thank you for your continued support.