Second Hand Uniform
We are asking for donations of clean, good quality (no holes or fraying edges) school uniform and PE kit. These items will be sold in our second-hand uniform store at a much-reduced cost.
Further details on how to purchase these items will be sent out in due course.
All donations to school Reception by Friday 7th July.
Ski Trip 2024
A place has become available on the 2024 Ski Trip
Friday 16th February to Friday 23rd February 2024
Students must currently be in Year 8 to 12
If you are interested or would like more information, please contact
Vacancies at Presdales
Full details and an application form can be found on the school website.
Tesco Community Grants
We are thrilled to announce that voting for our ‘Shine a Light!’ project will go live in Tesco’s Ware Branch during the first week in July. Running until the end of September, this voting provides us with the opportunity to secure funding of between £500 and £1500 to assist with the purchase of production lighting for the school hall. Modern, efficient and eco-friendly lighting will make a significant improvement to the quality of school presentations and productions held in the hall and will also be advantageous to the community organisations that rent this space.
The well-established blue-token voting system is very simple. Please take or ask for a token every time you shop in Ware Tesco. Tokens are available at self-checkouts too! The more votes we receive the better our chances to secure this important funding. Please be sure to take every opportunity to vote for us and share this message to friends and family.
Summer 2023 Exam Results
A level results will be available for collection from the school hall between 8am and 9:30am on Thursday 17th August
AS Maths results will be available for collection from the school hall between 9am and 9:30am on Thursday 17th August
GCSE (including Maths re-sits) & BTEC results will be available for collection from the school hall between 8am and 9:30am on Thursday 24th August