Exam Results
We are extremely pleased with both our GCSE and A Level results this year. The students and staff worked hard to ensure that our students achieved grades that they could be proud of. We are grateful to our parents, who all played a significant role in supporting their children through the past few years in particular.
Examination results 2024
End Of Key Stage 4
Progress 8 : | 0.63 (FFT provisional) |
Attainment 8: | 58.26 |
English and Maths 4+: | 93% |
English and Maths 5+: | 71% |
% of pupils entering the English Baccalaureate | 81% |
Achieved Ebacc with 4+: | 61% |
Achieved Ebacc with 5+: | 44% |
EBacc average point score | 5.5 |
Pupil destinations | 100% education |
End Of Key Stage 5
Average point score per entry: | 36.99 |
Average point score as grade | B- |
A*/A | 26% |
A*/B | 55% |
A*/C | 83% |
A*/E | 99.27% |
Retention | 97% |
Given the uneven impact of the pandemic on school and college performance data, the government has said you should not make direct comparisons between the performance data for one school or college and another, or to data from previous years.
Presdales School Exam Results
School Performance Tables
Click here for Presdales School performance tables.
Destinations of School Leavers 2024
Destinations of students aged 17 at the start of 2024/2025 school year:
Number of students in Higher Education : 99
Number of students in employment : 2
Number of students in apprenticeships : 5
Number of students taking a gap year : 5
Year 14 at Presdales : 2
College Course : 4
Progress 8 Explained
Please click on the YouTube video below for an explanation of Progress 8.