Year 9 have had an assembly with information about the GCSE options process which is happening over the next few months. More information to follow before Christmas.
Year 10s are starting to write their CVs using the destinations package Unifrog. We have also set up a parent login so that you can use Unifrog as if you were a student yourself, allowing you to truly support your child. The form code you need is: PresdalesParent and you can sign up here:
Year 10s will be participating in an interview skills workshop after Christmas which will culminate in the Big Interview Day during Careers Week on the 6th March 2020. They will be given a formal interview by parents and alumni volunteers to help them land their dream job in the future!! In the summer on the 1st July 2020, we are intending for every Year 10 to do a day of work shadowing. More information on this to follow.
Year 11 participated in A Level taster lessons in sixth form classrooms in Economics, Media, Psychology, Philosophy and Ethics, Government and Politics, Photography, English Lit, English Lang Lit and Sociology. The students who would prefer to progress with a college pathway were given a tour of the HRC campus in Broxbourne and Ware. The next step for Year 11s is to complete their A Level application by Friday 13th December. An electronic application form is on the website.
If, as a parent, you feel you could participate in any of the careers programmes then please fill out the Presdales parent work survey. I will be contacting parents and alumni during December to ask support with careers week activities. All information on the careers programme for each year group is on the website.
Also below is some recent Local Market Information about global strengths in Hertfordshire and opportunities on our doorstep in East Herts.
If you have any questions, comments or thoughts on our careers offering, then please email me on
Julie Stephenson
Careers Lead