Highlighting Netball and Tennis
The recent improvements to Presdales netball/tennis court surface have been well received by both the students/school and the wider sporting community.
Excitingly, this week, the court improvements move into their next phase. Due to the kind support from Ware and Hertford Town Councils, Ware Souths’ Councillor Jonathan Kaye and The Tappenden Charity, Presdales has been able to forge ahead with investment in the installation of LED floodlights to all four courts. Highlights Floodlighting Ltd have broken ground this week and, whilst we are finally enjoying some wonderful British summer, full floodlighting will be available when the nights start drawing in. This important facility will allow for additional and extended fixtures in the Autumn to help address the lack of sport through Covid 19 as well as increasing community sport available to all ages. The photos below show a work in progress. The lighting units are to follow.
In addition to these upgrades, Presdales has been able to secure “Opening Up School Facilities” Government funding from the Herts Sports Partnership to fully cover the cost of replacing our freestanding netball posts with safer ground-socketed posts as well as replacing all four tennis nets. The old but still functioning equipment has been offered to other schools in the area through the local Schools Sport Coodinator.
These changes are already paying off with increased bookings for these first-class facilities by our regular users as well as generating a considerable number of new enquiries. The Facilities and Business Teams are currently working hard to reach agreements which we anticipate will bring significant new sporting opportunities to the school and community. Information regarding these will be communicated as soon as is possible.
All use of the courts must be pre-booked and should you be interested in these or any other school facilities our Facilities Team can be reached by clicking here.