News from Careers …
Year 10 Writing Skills Workshop 2023
During January and February the Year 10 students have taken part in a CV and interview skills workshop, in place of their PE lesson. Sarah Gardiner from Services for Young People (SfYP) has helped them with their interview techniques and they were able to spend time working on their CV’s.
This is in preparation for their mock interview, ‘Big Interview Day’, on Friday 10th March.
Apprenticeship Week
This week we welcomed representatives from both Tesco and GSK into assemblies to speak to Years 8 to 11 about apprenticeship opportunities post-16 and post-18. Jo Drewitt, Head of Development Programmes from Tesco, and Kathy Freeman, the Early Talent Manager from GSK, and current GSK apprenticeship students gave our students information to consider regarding possible routes into apprenticeships.
For further information about Apprenticeships, please visit our Careers page on the school website or refer to Mrs Stephenson’s email of 6th February 2023 which had the following links: