Vacancies at Presdales
Full details and an application form can be found on the school website.
Useful Information
Pastoral Care
Pastoral care is considered very important and a variety of support strategies are available if needed. Each student’s welfare is the special responsibility of their form teacher who may refer any problem to the Head of Year. The Heads of Year are responsible to Senior Staff for the overall pastoral care of their group. Contact Details for the Pastoral Care Team can be found here.
Student Well-being
In this section of our website you will find useful websites and information about a range of issues for both parents and students. Our Student Well-being page can be found here.
Student Absence
Please help us to support your child and ensure that they achieve their best through excellent attendance at school. Parents/carers are asked to advise the School by telephone or email, before 8.15am if possible, each day a student is going to be absent.
Student Absence Telephone:
01920 462210 – Option 1
Student Absence Email:
Appointments during school hours
Please email to notify us of an appointment during the school day. Please ensure your child signs out and then back in at Reception.
Picking up Students After School
A reminder that parents should not be driving onto the school site at the end of the day to pick up their child as we need the driveway to be clear for the school buses. Parents can pick up onsite after 3.40pm.
Students unwell at School
If a student feels unwell they will need to visit the Principal First Aider in the first instance. Students will be assessed in line with the school First Aid, Health & Safety and Behaviour Policies. The school encourages students to stay in school where possible; parent/carers will be called if the First Aider feels that they need to go home or wishes to discuss an on-going condition/incident. Students may not go home unless this is arranged by the First Aider/Reception, their Head of Year or a member of the Senior Leadership Team.
Health Issues/Medication
If we are notified that a student has an illness or medical condition, Parents/Carers will be asked to complete an Individual Healthcare Plan and Risk Assessment (IHCP).
Medicines should only be held in school if they need to be taken during the school day or are needed in the event of an emergency. Medicines cannot be held or administered to students without written parental consent. Dosage details will need to be annotated; this is covered by page 4 of the IHCP. All medication administered by a First Aider at school will be logged.
Students will not generally be permitted to carry medicines in school unless the school has been made aware of specific medical conditions which require the student to always carry medication with them.
Lost Property
Lost property is kept in a cupboard outside the First Aid Room and unclaimed items are disposed of at the end of each term. The only exception to this is valuable items, which are kept in the First Aid Room for 1 year before disposal. Lost PE Kits and trainers may be found either at Lost Property or the PE department in the Sports Hall.
To reduce the amount of unnamed lost property, we would be grateful if you could please make sure items of clothing and other personal belongings (e.g. bags, pencil cases, lunch items etc.) are named. PE kits should also be clearly named.
All students must be responsible and accountable for their own property at all times.
Parents dropping off items to their children
If you need to drop off an essential item during the day, please put the item in a named bag on the table in the porch next to Reception. Please inform your child so they can come and collect either at break or lunchtime.
Change of contact details
If any of your contact details have changed, including email addresses, please update EduLink or notify the school by emailing
WisePay App
Please click here for the WisePay App user guide.
Presdales unique organisation code for WisePay is 37131546
Social Wall
Are you on Facebook? Do you have Twitter? Please click on the links below to join our school accounts or visit our social wall.
Presdales (formerly WGS) Alumni
Please help us reach out to our former students using your own networks. From doctors to dancers, pilots to plumbers, we need alumni from a range of careers to open our students’ eyes to what’s possible.
If you are a former student or know of any who’d like to stay in touch and give back to their old school, ask them to sign up at:
We’d love to hear from the girls – and boys – of previous years.
EduLink – Reminder
This is an essential resource to help you keep on top of communication between home and school. You can access EduLink via a home computer using the tab at the top of the Presdales website or via an App downloaded to your phone or tablet.
Once logged into EduLink you can easily access the following information about your child:
Account Info – This screen will allow parents to see general information about their child.
Achievement – Will show parents any achievement rewarded to their child.
Attendance – Parents will be able to view daily attendance.
Behaviour – This will give parents access to the behaviour records for their child.
Calendar – Upcoming events, parents’/carers’ evening dates and school holidays.
Clubs – This allows parents to view clubs and see their child’s attendance.
Contacts – This screen will show parents the contact information we hold on file for them.
Documents – School tracking reports are here when they become available.
Exams – You will find the summer public exam timetable for Years 11 and 13 not the internal end of year exams timetable.
Homework – This screen allows parents to see homework set, when it is due and when their child has completed tasks.
Lunch choices – There is a link to WisePay so parents can see what their child has eaten in the canteen and their WisePay balance.
Messaging – We communicate with parents via email and push notifications to the App. Parents will receive instant notifications as well as emails to their inbox. Parents can also use EduLink to contact teachers.
Timetable – This gives parents a view of their child’s current timetable.
Do get in contact with school if you have any problems accessing your EduLink account.