Our KS3 Italian students got into the Carnevale spirit by learning about different aspects of this annual event. After a taste of the famous Venetian Carnevale, students went on to choose from a menu of options to pursue where their creativity led them. Some students explored how the Carnevale is celebrated in different towns around Italy, others cooked or baked traditional Carnevale dishes, some researched characters from the Commedia dell’Arte, and a number designed costumes or beautiful, authentic maschere (masks). Feast your eyes on the wonderful work they have produced! Warning – some of it may make your mouth water!From Italian …
Year 7
Year 8
In French across all years we looked at how the French celebrate La Chandeleur (Candlemass) on the 2nd February (40 days after Christmas Day) by making sweet and savoury pancakes. Here are some examples from Year 7 and Year 10 that the girls made at home.From French …
Year 7
Year 10
From Art …
Year 7